Boxall Taxis Ltd HITCHIN

Full information about Establishment Boxall Taxis Ltd HITCHIN at 30A Nightingale Road, Hitchin, England SG5 1QU. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


30A Nightingale Road, Hitchin, England SG5 1QU
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Phone number:
+44 1462 433333



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Boxall Taxis Ltd HITCHIN

Reviews about Boxall Taxis Ltd HITCHIN

  • Hayley Lai
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Worst taxi service ever!!

    A driver made me feel etremely uncomfortable and unsafe whilst taking a short journey to the station one evening.

    I called to express my concerns over this driver as I was worried for future female passengers.

    However, after putting my issue forward I was promised this driver would no longer be sent to collect me in future and that the manager would be in touch to discuss what happened. Nothing came of it.

    Unfortunately I had a relative who was rushed to hospital a few weeks later and Boxall were the only cab service available to get me there. Low and behold they sent me the aggressive driver.

    I got in to the car with my 2 brothers and a few overnight bags for my relative at the hospital. Obviously in these situations you are more concerned about getting to the hospital than a past dispute with a driver. I also had my brothers present so didn't feel as unsafe as I was riding solo previously.

    The driver took it upon himself to confront me for making a complaint about him. It got so out of hand that by the time I reached the hospital I'd been called every name under the sun. There was one point whilst on the motorway where he was so ingrossed with arguing with me he took his eyes off the road to turn and argue with me in the back seat. It was at this point my brother in the passenger seat asked him to pull over and let us get out. It was safer to be on the motorway than in a car with him. He refused to listen to us and carried on driving!

    On approach to the hospital I refused to pay for the horrific journey and made it clear I would be putting another complaint forward about his agressive behaviour.

    As we got out the car to leave the taxi driver attacked my younger brother he also went to steal his mobile. After a few moments of confrontation we left and entered the hospital, only to find him following closely behind us going in to my relatives ward and screaming at them. Just awful.

    The police were called and we were asked to make a statement. Video footage of the incident of the taxi drivers fowl play and aggression towards us was also handed in to the police as evidence.

    I called Boxall to explain what had happened and Monica the receptionist at the time was the most incompetent member of staff I've ever had to deal with! Further from that I never heard back from the manager or anyone from Boxall in regards to the incident. Extremely unprofessional.

    It's such a shame as Boxall used to pride itself as being one of the best firms in Hitchin and to some it may still hold that reputation.

    However I just wanted to warn people that there is a cab driver that works at Boxall that is extremely aggressive towards women and attacks people.
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